How Subconscious Bias Could Be Hurting Your Hiring Practices

How Subconscious Bias Could Be Hurting Your Hiring Practices

Companies are always striving to be more inclusive and diverse, allowing them to tap in-demand talent. Unfortunately, unconscious bias continues to be a large hurdle that affects the hiring process in many companies. Elite Search Pros, a recruitment platform for Microsoft Dynamics implementation experts in the USA, reveals how biases could affect your search for top talents. 

Judging Applicants on First Impressions Instead of Merit

First impressions tend to affect subsequent interactions. For instance, you may judge a personable candidate to be smart and competent. Meanwhile, a candidate who appears timid may be labeled as unqualified. By relying on first impressions rather than actions or traits, you may disqualify many potentially qualified candidates. 

Eliminating Applicants with a Different Belief

Recruiters are more likely to hire people who share their hobbies, interests, and those with the same background. Unless the job requires the same set of characteristics that you have, hiring someone you have an affinity to because of some similarities hurts workplace diversity. At the same time, you may be hiring people who are not competent enough for the job. 

Non-Objective Decisions When Shortlisting Candidates

When receiving applications, hiring managers tend to compare resumes with each other. During the hiring process, the focus should be on comparing the experiences and skills of the applicant to the job requirements, not to the qualifications of previous applicants. Disqualifying candidates who meet the job requirements but are less qualified than other applicants can prevent your business from attracting fresh talent. 

Training hiring managers in identifying and addressing biases is crucial for any company. When recruitment processes for in-demand positions like a Microsoft Dynamics 365 expert, you may end up with only a few choices if subconscious bias influences employee screening. If your company is struggling with finding qualified Microsoft Dynamics support professionals, get in touch with Elite Search Pros to access carefully crafted recruitment solutions with no preconceived notions.